tfvars json


Generate JSON format of terraform.tfvars of inputs.

terraform-docs tfvars json [PATH] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for json

Inherited Options

  -c, --config string               config file name (default ".terraform-docs.yml")
      --footer-from string          relative path of a file to read footer from (default "")
      --header-from string          relative path of a file to read header from (default "")
      --hide strings                hide section [footer, header, inputs, modules, outputs, providers, requirements, resources]
      --hide-all                    hide all sections (default false)
      --output-file string          File in module directory to insert output into (default "")
      --output-mode string          Output to file method [inject, replace] (default "inject")
      --output-template string      Output template (default "<!-- BEGIN_TF_DOCS -->\n{{ .Content }}\n<!-- END_TF_DOCS -->")
      --output-values               inject output values into outputs (default false)
      --output-values-from string   inject output values from file into outputs (default "")
      --show strings                show section [footer, header, inputs, modules, outputs, providers, requirements, resources]
      --show-all                    show all sections (default true)
      --sort                        sort items (default true)
      --sort-by string              sort items by criteria [name, required, type] (default "name")


Given the examples module:

terraform-docs tfvars json --footer-from ./examples/

generates the following output:

  "bool-1": true,
  "bool-2": false,
  "bool-3": true,
  "bool_default_false": false,
  "input-with-code-block": [
    "name rack:location"
  "input-with-pipe": "v1",
  "input_with_underscores": null,
  "list-1": [
  "list-2": null,
  "list-3": [],
  "list_default_empty": [],
  "long_type": {
    "bar": {
      "bar": "bar",
      "foo": "bar"
    "buzz": [
    "fizz": [],
    "foo": {
      "bar": "foo",
      "foo": "foo"
    "name": "hello"
  "map-1": {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3
  "map-2": null,
  "map-3": {},
  "no-escape-default-value": "VALUE_WITH_UNDERSCORE",
  "number-1": 42,
  "number-2": null,
  "number-3": "19",
  "number-4": 15.75,
  "number_default_zero": 0,
  "object_default_empty": {},
  "string-1": "bar",
  "string-2": null,
  "string-3": "",
  "string-special-chars": "\\.<>[]{}_-",
  "string_default_empty": "",
  "string_default_null": null,
  "string_no_default": null,
  "unquoted": null,
  "with-url": ""

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